Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Quickie of the Day, Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2010

Myriad Youth

I see you, many,
moving mouths,
moving minds,
limbs that just now learned control
trying to find a way to stretch,
transatlantic cables, reaching across clouds
fetching dreams that seemed too big
they keep telling you to wait
I remember being in your shoes
trying not to evaporate while dissecting
fallacy from promise and still remembering
to smile, I walk a mile
around the fears that cloud your eyes
they think you can’t see tomorrow
but it’s hard to write it in, when
inexperience keeps forecasting sorrow
I know what it’s like
to want to be the mountain, instead of
trying to force mountains to move
in a world too full of puzzles, where it seems the only
clues they left were
it’s hard to grow a forest when all we
ever seem
to tell the seeds
is no

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