The Rare View: An Exercise in Imagery

First off, I am not a photographer.  But I really do enjoy great pictures.  This page will be dedicated to sharing some of these with you.  This page will continuously change, so enjoy the ones posted now.

Hope that you like them.

the Rare Poet

(A brief note: I do not own rights to any of the photos presented.  All rights are reserved to the appropriate owner/owners.)

Mount Kilamanjaro, during sunrise.  A beautiful place indeed.

Is this going to turn into one of those sick sayings, like doggy style?

The sign says Don't Walk, not don't

Not sure where this is, but it looks like it immediately cures writer's block.

I'm thinking that whale shouldn't have eaten that last burrito....

If you're a bit of a geek like me, then you'll think this one is neat...

For this one, you have to be an arrogant geek (is that considered an oxymoron?)

lmao...just plain funny!!!

I know....but remember she did say that she
was going to the bathroom to powder her nose...

I'm pretty sure it must know some top secret government secrets, or something...

Notice the writing on the side of the bus...perhaps this is the one case where
reading while driving sounds like a good idea

And after this, let's play pin the tail on the Rottweiler!!!

Is it just me, or does giving a star on the Walk of Fame
to an inanimate object seem like a desperate ploy.

I'm guessing this is not really the type of job where
they use the term "snow day"....

I would have paid good money to be there, just to see
the driver's reaction as they read the sign...

Take about first day

This is your brain on guns, any questions?

Um...I think you should have pushed the other button....

Bourbon Street at night....still one place I'd absolutely love to visit

This is where you have to live to avoid