Monday, October 18, 2010

At Night, When I Cup Him in My Arms

This poem was inspired by my son, Solace....the sweetest son this world has ever known.

At Night, When I Cup Him in My Arms

he is still so fragile, so little, so small
the world is still fountains of space for his eyes to recall
a rabbit running past is still a lightning of wonder
and he chases happily after

see, my son is still shrouded in innocence
even in those moments when he kicks and screams
too young to understand
bigotry and resistance
too inexperienced
to know hope can flicker brightly for a moment, then suddenly
dull in one instance, and I shudder
at the burden of protecting him from these things
I wish I could always keep the world off his shoulders
mount the weight of his sorrows on my back like Atlas
and bear them for him, hoping he avoids that practice, but I know
he won’t always be a little boy tomorrow

one day he will walk in his father’s shoes
scurrying and scraping, struggling to try and make
his mark in a world that’s never going to give him proper dues
and my one wish, that I possess the proper tools to
teach him
reach down inside myself
and give him one ounce of the courage
needed to find ways out of no way, to locate the cracks in the
wall around happiness and breach them
one thread of the fiber necessary to practice decency and truth
and one backbone sturdy enough to go out and preach them
one iota of the willingness I never had
to face fears that sometimes feel relentless
I long to brace him from the often quickened pace of this
attack, retreat, attack, retreat, attack, retreat, attack, retreat
fighting for inches to reach a goal
in a world full of things trying to prevent this

and I pray often to God that he doesn’t
get this, from me,
this bad habit of
trying to save everything
because while it’s a truly noble cause, which makes it a beautiful thing
there are going to be far too many times when
his heart’s torn from his sleeve
free flowing, emotional, trying to face the moment when
he tries his best to get there, but just can’t be

failing to save the relationship with the one woman he’s ever loved….or
failing to save the job that didn’t appreciate him enough anyway….and
failing to save the education that his parents always stressed about him getting….
failing to save himself from the fear of himself failing…

but then I remember
he inherits my bloodline, but he does not have to be gifted these failures of mine
he will find himself, at the inherent time
it is only up to me to help get him there
and as I touch his face with the palm of my hand
realizing that I am helping to raise a man
and yet still sometimes find myself tripping over
the responsibility that label entails
I am scared shitless
wondering if I have enough wits about me
fearing he will not have enough strength without me
constantly looking for support around me
it is there
and it exists in the guidance that my father left me

my son is not yet two years old
he is still fragile, still little, still so small
at night, when I cup him in my arms
I hold him close, hoping he will never fall
wishing that
I could forever taper his tears
shred his worries paper thin, until they disappear
and then syphon out each and every one of his fears, brandishing him
an inner peace

he smiles a lot in his sleep
and sometimes breaks into laughter
which makes me decide to just worry about making
his best day this day
and then the next one, and the next
and the next one after
all the rest
will take care of itself


Hope that everyone enjoyed this one.  Parents, treasure every second of every moment.  One day, you'll have to step aside, but until then guide your children well.

the Rare Poet