Thursday, June 9, 2011

I Believe I'd like Life to Kiss Me like This

Some Kiss We Want

There is some kiss we want with
our whole lives, the touch of

spirit on the body. Seawater
begs the pearl to break its shell.

And the lily, how passionately 
it needs some wild darling! At

night, I open the window and ask
the moon to come and press its

face against mine. Breathe into
Close the language-door and

open the love-window. The moon
won't use the door, only the window.


Shaking these Anelastic Ways

Despite what the Google Chrome dictionary believes, anelastic is a word.



- 1 dictionary result


  [an-i-la-stis-i-tee, an-ee-la-stis-]  Show IPA
–noun Physics .
the property of a solid in which deformation depends on the time rate of change of stress as well as on the stress itself.

an-1  + elasticity

an·e·las·tic [an-i-las-tik]  Show IPAadjective

So I continue.  Eventually, there comes a point in our lives, when someone with good intentions shares with us the following:

Life is what you make it.

Maybe some of us stumble upon this idea ourselves, but regardless of how it is found, at some point it is there.  This is a very powerful statement, one that I feel holds ultimately true.  Unfortunately, it's the way that we use these words that leaves me a bit discouraged.

Usually, this statement comes into play only as a coping mechanism.  It is our way to deal with a trying situation.  The verbal equivalent to viewing "the glass half full".  All of this is good and fine, and manages to give people strength during those moments where it feels more logical to be weak.  I applaud that, but think these words are more powerful when taken precisely and resolute.

Life is what you make it.

Negative people will immediately use this to create self blame.  But there is a flip side.  These words also mean that you have the power to make your life good.  Not simply survive the bad days.  Not just overcome, but uplift and enrich.  You can raise your own life to whatever heights you see fit.

How to do this depends on whatever plateau you choose to reach.  But seeing the goal in mind, and believing that you have the ability to get there is a key first step.

A quick note, before I continue.  The word "deformation" usually has very negative connotations.  But I take this in the scientific sense, especially since "anelastic" comes from physics.  In geology, as well as mechanics, a deformation is a change in the shape or dimensions of a body, resulting from stress.  "Stress" is another one of those negative words, that can also simply mean any force on a body.  Some stresses are bad, and some are good.  But the point is, we spend far too much time waiting for these outside forces before we can shape or change the dimensions of our lives.  We sit in stationary positions, until something forces us to move.


If there is some place you'd rather be, begin the move.  This doesn't have to be a physical place, it can be emotional or mental as well.  Most of our lives are peeled back layers of contentment that we tuck ourselves beneath.  We stay trapped underneath these until some type of resistance pulls our layer away.  Then, we're suddenly forced to make a change.

I'm tired of being content (which interestingly comes from the Latin for contained).  I want to break out of this box of waiting for something else to come along that determines the highs and lows of my life.  I'm ready to begin living as if I believe these words:

Life is what you make it.

I believe that I have the power to make my life whatever I choose.  I'm ready to shake these anelastic ways, and start shaping my life into something extraordinary.  I don't just want to be content.  I want to be overjoyed.

Marcus Jamison, the Rare Poet