Tuesday, March 15, 2011


The van pictured above was being driven by my 18 year old nephew when, in order to avoid a swerving car driven by an idiot with a cell phone, he turned off the road.  Unfortunately, when trying to get back on the highway, my nephew lost control of the vehicle, it spun around, flipped over, and collided with a tree.

The damage above is the result.

How my nephew managed to escape the car and avoid injury, except for a minor cut and some back pain, is a testament to the miraculous.  Call it fate, luck, or the grace of God, but the bottom line is that Death was not in the equation, which I am certainly thankful for.

I can only imagine what went through his mind.  Near death experiences have the power to both cripple and reinvigorate.  I am hoping it's the latter.  I know I've thought very much about it, since seeing this photograph. It made me question my motives.  What's driving me?  What do I want to be said, when life is no longer apart of the equation?

I was fortunate enough to read the wise words of an acquaintance earlier today:

The objective of life is not to make it through. The objective of life is to make it count.

When it's all said and done, will my life count?  And for what?

Seeing what my nephew endured made me tired of simply asking questions.  It is time to produce some emphatic answers.  So that, when it's all said and done, I will know without a doubt exactly why my life mattered.

Marcus Jamison, the Rare Poet

Rare Grove, Mar. 15, 2011

Kanye West --- Through the Wire

Though I am become a member of a dying breed, I am still a Kanye West fan.  I understand he makes it hard for a lot of people to like him.  Plus his sound constantly evolves.  But much of my fandom (is that even a word?  somehow, I think the folks at Webster's will say no) is based on his first two albums.  College Dropout is one of the greatest albums of all time, in my mind, and this song helps demonstrate why.

Plus, there's a personal story that kind of ties in to the theme of the song.

Marcus Jamison, the Rare Poet

Hiatus No More

Hello, you rare beauties you!  Did you miss me?  Because I missed each and every one of you.  I really didn't think this hiatus thing was going to last so long, but I look and realize I haven't posted in five whole days!!  *Gasping*

Well, enough of that nonsense, I'm back.  And about to overload you guys with a bit of rampant posting for the next few moments.  Hopefully you enjoy it all.  First things, first.  This place seems a bit drab.  It needs a little music and, most definitely, some poetry!

I'm so glad to be back.

Marcus Jamison, the Rare Poet