Friday, January 7, 2011

Things That Make You Go Hmmm....

(The Personal Addition....lmao)

Earlier this afternoon, I was standing next to my sister's car, in the parking lot of a local store, smoking a cigarette and waiting for my sister to come outside.  As I'm standing there, this silver SUV pulls up and I see the driver looking at me.  I notice that he's motioning for me to come over.  I try to place the car in my mind, but I'm certain I've never seen it before.  So I continue to smoke my cigarette, assuming the man was trying to get someone else's attention.  He lowers his head a little and starts motioning even harder for me to come to the car. I try to see if I know him.  While he fits the profile of several people I might know, I can't get a clear look.  The windows are tinted just enough where you can't really see inside.  So I move a bit closer.

This fool is fanning me to him like I'm AAA and he's got three flat tires.  I reach the passenger side door and finally see the man.  He looks like a cross between Black Thought from the Roots and one of the janitors from when I was in high school.  Quickly, I realize that I don't know him.

But now, I'm curious.  I pull the door open, hoping that this is not about to be the beginning of one of those crazy episodes of Cops.  The man looks at me, earnestly, and says:

"Man....what the hell you doing out here, smoking in all this cold?  If you don't get your ass in here and give me one of them cigarettes....."

Direct fucking quote.  I couldn't keep from laughing.  I'm thinking in my mind "Is this crazy motherfucker serious?"  I laughed so hard I could feel my eyes watering.  I have to admit that if there was an award for the most original way to ask for a cigarette, then the man in the silver SUV would have won that, hands down.  But I only had one cigarette left.  So you know he didn't get it.  But he got a well earned round of applause inside my head.

Sometimes the things that come out of people's mouths....too damn funny.

Marcus Jamison, the Rare Poet

Something that Came to Me


I watch you disappear all over again
you’ve mastered this dance
of vanished stepping
minutes will find you lowered
and in just an hour, you will be completely gone
darkness locks hands around you slowly
but like a nervous lover
it is always gentle
easing orange and red streaks
from your dilemma eyes

I wonder about the agonies you’ve seen

silent dirt roads and abandoned deserts
where the angels spread wing
and fly, before dusk
old apartments devoid of laughter
where gin bottles and blues records gather together
and noisily fuss over affected victims
sidewalk benches where broken men sit
all crooked smiles and jagged tears
cowering between your shadows
you’ve developed a knack for casting shadows
now a bit of an expert on silhouettes
heard all the rumors about mornings after
could paint a sky with
things to forget
like lightning bolts
and gasoline
razor blades and
dusty magazines, stuck on the very last
page that was viewed
moments before they fell

because around you,
memories are read silently
like Braille
and around you,
remembering is forgetting
light fades in instances and the
only thing distant about distant
is trying not to remember the distance
but you were never really good with horizons
you creep below, content with no longer seeing
you already know a few things about surrender
you’ve already mastered hopelessly seeking sleep
you’ll let the stars keep the burden of
bearing witness
because some nights
aren’t intended
for peace


Marcus Jamison, the Rare Poet

Thinking it's Time for a Wardrobe Update

Marcus Jamison, the Rare Poet

Turning the Other Cheek is for People Who Like Abuse

Cee-Lo Green --- Fuck You

Because sometimes, it's okay to feel this way.

Marcus Jamison, the Rare Poet

That's the Way Love Goes

In the age of social correctness (yes, political correctness is old school.....this is a whole different ballgame), the traditional ideas of all things have changed.  This includes sex and relationships.  Around ten years ago, open relationships were still looked at as way too kinky, the idea of a woman being a "cougar" was still several steps below being a dirty old man, and sex-only relationships were discussed as publicly as the idea of having a black President.

Fast forward into the future and here we are, in the midst of an age where sexual openness and progressiveness seem to be becoming the norm.  These days a unique and varied sex life is like a smartphone.  Seems like everybody's got one, and the folks who don't are always talking about having one real soon.  Which brings me to an interesting conversation I was having with some friends.  In this day and age, can a man and woman be friends AND lovers?  It seems so simple.  I mean when we talk about out potential mates, everyone of else would probably list strong friendship qualities as necessities.  But the problem is that we're not talking relationship.  And when friends become lovers, or lovers become friends, this is what it always starts to feel like.  Which is great if that's what you're looking for.  Then you can wake up some  mornings, giggling with your BFF, who also happened to fuck a permanent smile onto your face the night before.

But for the people who want to draw the line, there comes a point when being friends or being lovers must take precedent.  Is the friend part going to understand when you scream "just shut the hell up and screw me!!"?  Is the lover part going to understand when you just want somebody to sit up and watch old episodes of "Good Times" with, and NOT try to feel you up while you're reaching for the remote?  And more importantly, will you understand these things?

Personally, while I believe that a man and woman can be both friends and lovers if they have a similar mindset , I still think that some complications will arise that make the situation uncomfortable, impractical from a  lover's standpoint, or impractical from a friend's standpoint.  This is because, once sex is involved, things change.  You know longer view each other the same.  Your motivations change.  The sex remains in the back of your mind, whether it is something you want to repeat, or just a one time thing.  This alters a friendship.  How many times in the past has this same friend done something nice for you, for absolutely no reason?  Now they do something, and suddenly you're wondering if your goods are being requested.  Old criticisms start to sting a bit differently, as you wonder "if I'm so bad, why the hell are you fucking me?"  Or maybe this is all just me.  But I have extensive experience on the subject.  Some years ago, after being friends with benefits for four years, me and an ex tried to turn it into a relationship.  Not surprisingly, this failed.

If love is not behind your motivations the be with a person (which it really should be..come on it's 2011, I'm just saying!), then it is critical to understand what is.  If it's friendship, be friends.  If it's sex, have sex.  Just don't get confused.  Relationships tend to be confusing enough.  And whether we want to admit it or not, any situation, where you are giving a portion of yourself willingly, is a type of relationship.

Love better!

Marcus Jamison, the Rare Poet

Theme Song of the Day, Jan 6-7, 2011

This song kind of matches the mood that I'm bringing over into today with me.  Been thinking about the things I do lately.  I'm a very spiritual person, but religion is starting to get on my nerves.  It seems too corrupted by what people want to turn it into.  There are far too many people who are claiming that the ignorance they do is done in the name of God.  An earlier conversation with a friend and some connected thoughts later, and this is where my mind has headed.

Nina Simone --- Nobody's Fault but Mine

If only everybody understood this, maybe the world would have more accountability.

Marcus Jamison, the Rare Poet