Friday, January 7, 2011

Things That Make You Go Hmmm....

(The Personal Addition....lmao)

Earlier this afternoon, I was standing next to my sister's car, in the parking lot of a local store, smoking a cigarette and waiting for my sister to come outside.  As I'm standing there, this silver SUV pulls up and I see the driver looking at me.  I notice that he's motioning for me to come over.  I try to place the car in my mind, but I'm certain I've never seen it before.  So I continue to smoke my cigarette, assuming the man was trying to get someone else's attention.  He lowers his head a little and starts motioning even harder for me to come to the car. I try to see if I know him.  While he fits the profile of several people I might know, I can't get a clear look.  The windows are tinted just enough where you can't really see inside.  So I move a bit closer.

This fool is fanning me to him like I'm AAA and he's got three flat tires.  I reach the passenger side door and finally see the man.  He looks like a cross between Black Thought from the Roots and one of the janitors from when I was in high school.  Quickly, I realize that I don't know him.

But now, I'm curious.  I pull the door open, hoping that this is not about to be the beginning of one of those crazy episodes of Cops.  The man looks at me, earnestly, and says:

"Man....what the hell you doing out here, smoking in all this cold?  If you don't get your ass in here and give me one of them cigarettes....."

Direct fucking quote.  I couldn't keep from laughing.  I'm thinking in my mind "Is this crazy motherfucker serious?"  I laughed so hard I could feel my eyes watering.  I have to admit that if there was an award for the most original way to ask for a cigarette, then the man in the silver SUV would have won that, hands down.  But I only had one cigarette left.  So you know he didn't get it.  But he got a well earned round of applause inside my head.

Sometimes the things that come out of people's mouths....too damn funny.

Marcus Jamison, the Rare Poet

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