Thursday, January 13, 2011

On Creativity

What is it like, creating these things that we create?

If anyone has ever come close to truly explaining it, I believe that Amir Sulaiman does right here:

Black Swan ::: Mustafa Davis & Amir Sulaiman from amir sulaiman on Vimeo.

I am completely taken aback by this. It is beautiful. It is poignant. It is truthful. I can relate. Still haven't watched the movie, Black Swan, yet (although it is the one film that has been hyped up beyond all others for me).  I really love the line at the beginning of Amir's poem:
"what does it feel like when the poem comes out?....said I feel like it's writing my insides out, and I got to get it out before my pen drys out, before my ego finds out....can't let my ego find out..."
This is why I love Amir Sulaiman!!  Words that come to life, for real.  I imagine other writers, especially fellow poets, will agree with me on this one.

And the word play at the end this piece, along with his vocal effects and the video....damn!!!!  It was so powerful, it's insane.  I felt that!!

Marcus Jamison, the Rare Poet


  1. He is a really amazing writer and inspiring person...he has a poem called "Dead Man Walking" that I feel like every male, especially Black men, should soak in and find meaning!!

    Glad that you enjoyed it :)
