Sunday, December 26, 2010

Theme Song of the Day, Dec. 26, 2010

OK Go --- This To Shall Pass

I really love the vibe this song gives.  We've all been through things, that may have us feeling down.  But as the lyrics say:

When the morning comes.

(You can't keep lettin' it get you down, you can't keep lettin' it get you down)

Seems like a very simple statement, but a powerful one, nonetheless.  This song is all about moving forward in spite of, because that is truly the only way that progress can be made.  Even though it might feel like an immovable burden is on you, I am living proof that nothing last forever.  For years, I was afflicted with debilitating seizures that keep me from doing many things I wanted to do, and created this spirit of fear in me.  I am thankful that it's been nearly three years since my last seizure, that I no longer take multiple medications, and that the fear in me has been lifted.  No matter what you're going through, believe in yourself, and know that circumstance is temporary.  This too, shall pass.

By the way, this video is so very awesome.  The "machine", as they call it, was created in an Echo Park warehouse, in Los Angeles, CA.  The band and a company called Syyn Labs is responsible for it's creation.  I really could use one of these, just as a source of stress

Smile big and bright today!

Marcus Jamison, the Rare Poet

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