Friday, October 1, 2010

It Might Not Be IMAX, But I Don't Have To Wait In Line For Stupid Glasses

Tonight is one of those nights where I could use a little, I'm going to the movies...right from the comfort of my own home.  That's right, I'm a bootlegger (as in I participate in the viewing of bootlegged DVDs, not peddle moonshine out of my don't even have a basement).  But I am no ordinary bootlegger.  I only seek out the best.  I know the difference between R5 and telecine, I am thankful for folks like Carmine Caridi, and am delighted everytime I see the word (I'm sure there are alot of you scratching your heads, so I'll move on) 

Let me just say, before the internet police decides to send the Director's Guild, Screen Actor's Guild, or Mad He's Not Going To The Theaters Guild, to my door knocking, understand that, I get it. 

I am an artist and understand the amount of work/effort/blood/sweat/tears that all of these individuals put in making these films (or at least the ones who give a damn).  Also, if I had a product out on the market, it'd irritate me if people were sampling it for free. 

But here's a sad instance where knowing better, and feeling bad about it, doesn't stop it from happening.  Plus I don't have to take an hour round trip (closest large theater), spend $17.50 (ticket, popcorn, drink), or listen to irritating assholes give slapstick commentary during the whole film, and then potentially be pissed that I had to endure all of that shit AND didn't even like the movie.

The way I'm doing it, I can be pissed at home if I don't like it, where the only irritating asshole is me, and it's free (well, okay $4.50 for multiple backs of popcorn and a two liter drink)'s where, if I were a schmuck, I'd try to blame the recession.  Basically, I'm just

Did I mention the part about FREE!!!

On tonight's agenda?  The Social Network, The Lottery Ticket (okay so I'm late), and hopefully something extra if I find it.  Perhaps later I'll give a review.

Much love,

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