But everyday can't be Friday. And every Monday isn't bad. That's why I started this portion of the blog. To remind us that there are always some cool and uplifting things going on. Even on Mondays.
Today's award goes to leftover Thanksgiving dinner.
Sure, you said you were sick of them. You've protested, having spent all weekend eating turkey sandwiches and gorging yourself with cakes and pies. But come Monday, when the holiday vibes seem to finally be fading and the world is back to slowly getting on your nerves, you open the fridge and smile. One more night won't hurt you. And it kind of makes this Monday seem even more worthwhile.
So go ahead, enjoy a dope helping of leftovers. And remember to enjoy today!
Marcus Jamison, the Rare Poet
I hate mondays, and i'm a bit of a grouch, until i get my second cup of coffee! I love this post.