Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fuckin' Perfect

There are moments in our life when we wish we were a little better, a little stronger, a bit more confident, and much better liked. I say fuck that.

You are perfect. Any improvements you make, in order to make you happier, are simply icing on the cake.

Embrace the wonderful you.

Marcus Jamison, the Rare Poet


  1. Thank you for writing this. Feeling inadequate and unconfident is something that has plagued me to no end. Something really clicked with me when you posted that. I used to feel that changing yourself means that you weren't accepting yourself but it doesn't mean that. :)

  2. You're very welcome. :) I understand those feelings completely and used to think the same thing about changing. But you can accept yourself completely and still desire improvement. Once you understand that, it begins the road to a happier you.
