Friday, April 8, 2011

Rare Spotlight: Lisa Unger

Welcome to the Rare Spotlight, a place to shine light on those rare gems that illuminate the world, unnoticed. They are poets. They are artists. They are singers. They are musicians. They are visionaries molding beauty against the backdrops of their passions. They are beautiful, and we should pay attention. Welcome to the Rare Spotlight.

Not long ago, I sent out an ambitious email, addressed to one of my favorite authors, thanking her for enriching me with her amazing words.  I also made a request, but didn't expect a reply.  Picture my 8-year-old-on-Christmas-morning expression in that moment when the first email came.  Not only had this author responded, showing appreciation for my interests in her work and support, but she also agreed to the request.  And so, this spotlight was born.

It gives me an immense amount of pleasure to present the Spotlight that is forthcoming.  As a fan, I view the featured writer as one of those rare gems whose words leave me glued to the page.  As an aspiring writer, I extend her respect and gratitude, because she is a beacon to that place that I strive to reach.  I am in awe, in this remarkable moment that I have been given, and hope that I do it the justice it deserves.  Here goes.

Lisa Unger was born in New Haven, Connecticutt, in 1970, but grew up in the Netherlands, England, and New Jersey.  A graduate of the New School for Social Reseach, she spent a number of years living and working in New York City.  She eventually left a career in publicity to pursue her dream of becoming a full-time author.  She currently resides in Florida, with her husband and daughter.

From a reader's perspective, Mrs. Unger is a master of words.  I can't begin to note all of the times that I read through her words, greatly pleased and desiring more.  Her plots are rich and intense, carried at a pace that will keep any reader on edge, thirsting for the next twist or turn.  Although I will not include an excerpt of her work, I adamantly suggest that all who love a great read to seek Mrs. Unger's works out. 

I must add that I was a bit skeptical about contacting an author of Mrs. Unger's stature.  In most of our minds, it seems that a New York Times best-seller would understandably be far too busy to offer this her attention and time.  But Mrs. Unger quelled any predispositions that I had, and proved to be both amiable and willing to help.  I offer her my deepest thanks for this, and hope she understands what it means to me.  If I am fortunate enough to be a writer in her position, her example will be held within my mind.

It is my esteemed pleasure to shed spotlight on one of my favorite authors, Mrs. Lisa Unger.

1) Name
2) Current City/Hometown
Tampa Bay Area, Florida

3) Right now, you are (literally).....
Drinking coffee in my office, finally answering the questions you sent me too long ago!

4) When did you fall in love with writing?
I don't remember a time before I defined myself as a writer, so I'm not sure I fell in love.  I suspect I was born with the need to write.  It's a congenital condition, rather than a love affair ... happily, no escape.

5) Describe yourself in one paragraph
It might be impossible to describe myself in one paragraph.  But I'll say I'm a mother first, a wife, always a writer at my core.  I am in love with my life and dwell most often in a place of gratitude.  I am nourished by family and friends, travel, books (naturally), physical activity, great food.  I am depleted by the internet, stress, pressures internal and external.  But mainly, I'm kind of a happy, normal girl who is very grateful to make my living doing what I love.  

6) Five years ago, you were.....
a new mom, struggling to find a balance between the two most consuming creative endeavors of my life!  Five years later, some semblance of balance has been achieved (most days) ... of course, it always tips in favor of my daughter who is the sun and the moon.

7) Five years from now, you want to be.....
As happy and healthy as I am today.

8) Your entire day is ruined unless you can.....
I am not sure any one thing has the power to ruin my day.  But I will say I am happiest when I feel like I wrote well, spent great time with my daughter and my husband, and managed to get some exercise. That's a perfect day!

9) If you were a color, which would you be, and why? (Lol..I had to throw in  one of these type questions)
I'm my daughter's favorite color: Rainbow!

10) One moment in your life, when you were the proudest
The day my daughter told me that when she grows up she wants to be a "mommy writer."

11) One moment in your life, which you regret most
No regrets. Never look back.

12) Write whatever you feel
Thanks so much for thinking of me and including me in your blog!  It means a lot that you reached out to me. 

13) Links/websites/places where the readers can check out your work
Everything you never knew you wanted to know about me can be found at:  The best way to keep connected with me is to like me at  I'm doing lots of giveaways there through the new hardcover release in August of DARKNESS, MY OLD FRIEND.

Again, I say thank you to Mrs. Unger.  You are truly an incredible author whose works have entertained, inspired, and influenced me beyond words.  I look forward to reading many, many more.

Readers would greatly benefit from clicking on one of the links included above.  It will begin your journey into the world of a woman who is not only an amazing writer, but a truly rare person indeed.  Enjoy!

Marcus Jamison, the Rare Poet


  1. That was incredible...Loved the mommy answers (answers that showed her motherly pride) She appears very down-to-earth, so to speak. Now i'm curious. LOL

  2. Her answers were great. She is extremely down-to-earth, not just as seen through her answers and taking the time to participate, but from photos showing her doing book signings and really connecting with the people that she meets. You should definitely check out her books. They are excellent.
